Sunday, August 2, 2009

I see Red, I see Red, I see Red

Hot on the heels of my last two blue and purple posts I thought I might muse upon the other colours in my balcony garden. I mean that rainbow swiss chard really was a bit more red than purple, right?!? It is not the only red thing in the balcony garden either. The last vestiges of the chilis for this summer are hanging on. This plant will die back for a couple of months then come alive with flowers and fruit in spring. I have had it for almost three years now and it is still going strong.

The geranium is also a lovely, deep red

With hints of more red showing through the little buds.

And my favourite, the red and the red/orange/yellow snap dragons.

Spot the pink pyjamas in the background!!! Now if only these fellows would turn red!

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